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Honky Tonk


"Greatest Intercontinental Champion of All Time"

Memphis, Tennessee  - 247 lbs - 6'1"


PCW Debut:  March 3rd, 2002 - "Commencement of Cool"

PCW Results:

March 3rd, 2002 - No Contest vs Brutus Beefcake - Winnipeg, Mb - "Commencement of Cool"

March 5th, 2002 - w/Brutus Beefcake defeated Shane Madison & Donny Dicaprio 

March 6th, 2002 - Defeated Brutus Beefcake - Brandon, Manitoba

March 15th, 2012  - Defeated Jay Walker - Winnipeg, Manitoba

September 20th, 2012 - w/Jay Walker defeated Scott Justice & TJ Bratt 

September 21st, 2012 - w/Jay Walker defeated Adam Knight & TJ Bratt Swan River, Mb

September 22nd, 2012 - w/Scott Justice defeated TJ Bratt & Moses Luke Moosomin, Sk

April 10th, 2013  - No-Contest vs Adam Knight  - Brandon, Manitoba

April 10th, 2013 - w/Chad Tatum defeated Kenny Omega & Adam Knight - Brandon, Mb

April 12th, 2013 - w/Jackie Lee defeated Scott Justice & Jay Walker - Winnipeg, Mb


Signature Moves: Shake Rattle & Roll, Thumb to the Eye


PCW Notes:

Drew 1750+ people to "Commencement of Cool", PCW's Launch Event

Sang his theme song with Guess Who's Burton Cummings

Broke a Guitar over the head of PCW Founder Andrew Shallcross

Broke a Guitar over the head of PCW Founder Mike Davidson


Notable Distinctions:

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Stampede Wrestling North American Championship

Longest Reigning Intercontinental Champion of All Time




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